Core Values


Vision: Creating successful global citizens.
Mission: Together we bring out the best in every child!
Motto: Good, Better, Best!

  • Integrity - We will: Be honest and trustworthy.
    Communicate openly.
    Do the right thing.

  • Relationships - We will: Practice collaborative learning.
    Treat others with dignity and respect.
    Develop caring relationships.
    Demonstrate partnering for success

  • Respect - We will: Value ourselves, others and the environment.
    Model civility, courtesy, and consideration.
    Protect our environment.

  • Excellence - We will: Achieve the best we can be.
    Set, plan and achieve goals toward continuous improvement.
    Provide motivational strategies

  • Courage - We will
    Build confidence through success.
    Take informed risk.
    Celebrate success and learn from experience